domingo, 26 de diciembre de 2010


love is something you souldn´t said, is something you should show. Love is the amazing thing you can find in the whole world; it has all the emotions on it, its strange but at the same thing is beautiful and its proposal is not to be understand is just to love with out understand, if that happens you'll know what love is.

"Love is the master key othat opens the gates of happiness"- Oliver Wendel Holmes

Love is combined with happiness some people say, love make happiness in a person and others that happiness make a person find love and be happy, i thrust in the second one if you are happy everything can happen because just a smile to any person can open you many oportunities in life.

I would say that a smile can open everything you want, can open a job oportunity, can start a friendship can find anything you want and almost find happiness. Happiness is something people think the can find, they can  go and get it, but is not. It is even strager than love, cause love can try and try and can get it but happiness don't, if ou want to be "happy" you'll have to work a lot for it and let happiness find you thats the way I think about

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